Sunday, April 12, 2020

Find Fulfillment In Your Work 5 Steps To Feel-Good Franchising - Work It Daily

Find Fulfillment In Your Work 5 Steps To Feel-Good Franchising - Work It Daily 5 Steps To Feel-Good Franchising Always wanted a career that allowed you do well and do good? Whether that be tutoring, promoting the use of green energy or helping people cope with aging, franchising offers many opportunities to advance your career while satisfying your spiritual goals. Related: Career Changers: Consider A Franchise In 2015 For starters, you can enter a career based solely on interests rather than experience, allowing you to make a clean break from a 9-to-5 existence that provides no personal fulfillment and toward something about which you care deeply. So if you hate spending your days looking at spreadsheets full of numbers or selling the latest throwaway widgets from China and wish you could have a direct impact on people’s lives, a franchise can give you the tools you need to succeed in this entirely new line of work. A good franchisor will help train and guide you in your new profession and offer a proven system for operating your business. You will also gain the advantage of a network of franchisees, who can offer additional support and expertise. By contrast, with an independent startup, you would have to figure out your operating model from scratch and guess how much working capital you will need to succeed. With a franchise, you can get answers to your questions: How much money will it take to get your business up and running and how long will it take to get to profitability? And you can find out well before laying out any money whether you have the skills and the inclination to operate this type of business. 5 Steps To Feel-Good Franchising In five simple steps, find your way to a feel-good franchise that is right for you. 1. Set Your Goal You need to figure out exactly how you want to have an impact on your world. Look around and notice the arenas in which you might have the most to contribute, whether this connects more to personal skills, such as sales expertise, or interests, such as working with children. Browse the web. Make lists. 2. Inventory Your Personal And Professional Strengths You may not want to stay in your current career, but what skills have you gained that can transfer well to another field: Are you good with people? Do you have a knack for the mechanical? Are you detail-oriented? Or do you prefer to work on your own? You will likely fare better in a field where you can draw on strengths you’ve honed over years of professional development. 3. Research Franchise Categories Let’s say you want to help improve the environment but know nothing about environmental science. Did you know there are franchises that help people adapt their homes with everything from insulation to solar panels. Or maybe you want to work with children. You’ll find everything from tutoring to child care among franchise opportunities. 4. Meet With A Franchise Coach Get a whole extra layer of extra vetting through the franchise coach, whose profession it is to study different franchisors and whether their support systems are up to snuff. Their experience matching clients with franchises makes them a font of expertise about why some systems work better than others. 5. Talk To Franchisees Once you have selected a franchise or two to research in depth, get their Franchise Disclosure Documents â€" which they are required by law to provide to prospective franchisees â€" and find the list of franchisees, currently operating and defunct. Write up your list of questions â€" you may want to consult your franchise coach for help with these â€" make your calls. Politely ask them for their time, then, at their convenience, learn how they’re doing, whether they would buy this franchise again, and how long it took for them to start operating in the black. If you’re ready to find meaning in a career of your choosing and expand your financial horizons, start your five steps to feel-good franchising today! Related Posts Think You’re Ready For A Franchise Discovery Day? Not So Fast Worried About Starting Your Own Business? Try A Franchise The Image Factor In Buying A Business About the author Ready to make your dream of becoming an entrepreneur come true? Get your free evaluation today! Contact Dan Citrenbaum to help you create the career you’ve always wanted. As a business coach, Dan brings years of experience helping people select and buy a franchise or existing business. You can reach Dan at or at (484) 278-5489.   Disclosure: This post is sponsored by a CAREEREALISM-approved expert. You can learn more about expert posts here. Photo Credit: Shutterstock Have you joined our career growth club?Join Us Today!

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